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My name is Brandi and I help teach athletes along with people who value their health, how to listen and observe what their bodies are saying to improve their performance and live an active vibrant life. From a very early age I knew I wanted to help change lives in a BIG way. My teenage mentality thought the best way to do that was by means of physical appearance. If I can just show people how beautiful they are I can help shift attitudes, self confidences, and outlooks on life! It only took me a year in the field of cosmetology to know I was meant to do something way deeper inside peoples lives. Thats when I found myself in massage school and nutrition. The first day of massage school felt like home. I soaked every class up! I went on to graduate at the top of my class and have been fortunate enough to travel different parts of the world like Canada and Costa Rica studying with some of the top therapists in my field. Tom Meyers and MyoDetox were pivotal trainings that changed the way I do bodywork. I also went on to receive my yoga teacher certificate in 2019 which has been a key bridge in the body mind connection approach I take especially when I am working with high achievers! Athletes or CEO's.  I feel blessed and honored to have helped so many people but more importantly to have been affected by so many of my clients who have turned friends and advisors. This industry has changed my world and I truly feel I am living my purpose. I can't wait to see if my services can help you achieve your optimal mind and body.


When working with me it's important to know I'm a master body reader. I know when you are dehydrated, I know when you're not doing your homework, when you slept on the couch, when your nervous system is operating in pure survival mode, when your mind won't shut off, and when your body is so used to being in pain it doesn't know how to relax. I can feel all of it. Yesterdays panic attack, the last few or more years of depression, worry in your shoulders, fear in your hips, and the feeling of being stuck and not knowing where to go I can feel in your joints. It's also important to know I am not here to call you out on any of it. I am also not here to support you in being a victim. I will not support your lack of responsibility or accountability to yourself. I AM here however, to be a neutral observer. I will tell you what I feel, I will tell you the imbalances and compensations I see. I will help loosen the tension, sometimes permanently most of the time temporarily take the pain away. But ultimately my job is to teach you how to read these signs yourself and listen to the whispers of your body before it starts to scream. I do not heal bodies. The body heals itself. I attempt to help get you still and quiet for 1-2 hours while I translate what your body has been trying to say. I will not shove my fingers into your muscles telling you more pain more gain. My work is slow with little to no oil. I wait for your body to release if its ready, if that particular day its not we focus on stretching, trigger point, and breath work. Your body is the instructor and I make my living as just being the translator. 


To get the most out of a session with me have a goal in mind. It could be to get deeper into your squat. It could be to get your range of motion back after having surgery. Or maybe you want to learn how to calm your mind and sleep better/ deeper. Perhaps you are training for a marathon and want to make sure your body is in prime condition. This helps me in helping you. If you have specific questions on if I am the therapist for you or not let's chat! I have plenty of resources and referrals I can send your way in the event I am not.


When I am not in my treatment room you can find me in my garden with my 2 little girls. Wrestling my husband to the ground, or building something out of wood. I love being outside and you will always find me barefoot. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and I can't wait to learn about you! 


In Love and Unity, 


Brandi Aguayo LMT


"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."

-Pablo Picasso

Qualifications/ Experience


Chiropractor School!!! 


Opened up Amethyst Healing Spa in LaVerne, Ca

Graduated 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training


Graduated from Massage School 


Graduated with Cosmetology License


Studied in Canada with MyoDetox and was certified as a Level 1 MyoDetox Therapist


Went to study in Costa Rica under Tom Meyers for upper thoracic, chest, neck, shoulder, & jaw focus.

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